Thursday, December 30, 2010

Letter to Senator Bill Nelson regarding his reelection

The Honorable Bill Nelson


Senator Nelson:

"The Republicans desperately want to defeat me in 2012 and to that end the GOP is declaring me one of their top targets. That's why I need your help to fight back."

The sentence above was in your e-mail to me requesting money for your reelection.
Please understand, I was not kidding when I wrote to you on multiple occasions asking for you to be a leader. Each of those times you proved to be inadequate. You are a politician, an empty suit; just interested in keeping your job. You are not interested in making this country or the State of Florida better.

Americans can no longer afford to give power to people that are simply interested in coasting along, getting their salary and benefits and not making meaningful contributions to our society. You lost my vote for the 2012 election long ago. I will be making this letter available to all my friends and relatives; perhaps it will remind them of your previous record and find you unacceptable as well.

It saddens me that the Democrat party will probably not field a candidate to oppose you. Understand, I am a Democrat; I have always been a Democrat. I will not vote for the Republican candidate in 2012. But I will not vote for you either.


George A. Edwards  

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Transportation Security Administration

The President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW


Mr. President:

When I was in school, we were taught that everyone was equal in this country. Everyone must follow the rules and the rules are for everyone.

Now I read that the TSA has different rules for different people. Airline pilots and flight attendants are not required to get the full body scans or the “pat down” search. The same is true for members of Congress. WHY?  Are these people less likely to have some desire to harm our country? How does the TSA know?

It would have never occurred to me that a major in the U.S. Army, Nidal Hasan, would kill 12 of his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood. My point is, we never know what is going on in another’s head. To just allow certain people to avoid security, because it is inconvenient, is wrong and dangerous.

Pilots used the “harmful” excuse to get out of full body scans, but frequent flyers face the same harm, they can opt out of the scan, but not the pat downs. Make it the same for everyone.

More importantly it is NOT what this country is all about.

Mr. President, there is a cartoon I just read. It is a small child writing out his wish list for Christmas. The caption reads, “All I want for Christmas this year is the 2008 version of Obama” Sadly, that is my wish as well. Please be the President that said he would stand up for the rights for all of us.


George A. Edwards