Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why vote? Letter to the President

The President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW


Dear Mr. President:

Why should I vote? The only thing voting seems to accomplish is to put people into office that made certain promises and had certain values I liked. Yet, once they are in office, those promises, those values, are forgotten as they bend to the agenda of corporations & lobbyists. With the ruling by the Supreme Court in the Citizens United v. FEC, elections will be swayed even more by money.

Wouldn’t it be easier if we just had an auction? Special interest groups would bid for the candidate that promises to cater to them. It seems better than what we currently do for the same result. Winning bids go into the national treasury. We also save the cost of the election. I am being sarcastic and I apologize. I really do not wish to lose my vote, but I feel my vote should be meaningful.

Perhaps only government funding for the candidates should be allowed. Each candidate will then be allowed to buy time and space at 1/100th the rate the media normally charges. Special interest groups can also participate in the elections, yet they must pay for the time and space at 1,000 times the normal rate. If a candidate raised funds on their own, they would use that money to buy at the 1,000 times normal rate. If candidates no longer need to raise funds for campaigning, they no longer need to accept money from corporations & lobbyists.

Mr. President, please wrest control away from corporations & lobbyists, so I can get my country and my vote back.


George A. Edwards