Saturday, September 18, 2010

Letters regarding tax cuts to President Obama and Senator Nelson

I did not send this letter to Senator George LeMiuex (R) or Representative Lincoln Diaz Balart (R). Senator LeMiuex will leave office after the November 2010 election and Representative Diaz-Balart will run in his brother's district, and will no longer be my representative.

The Honorable Bill Nelson


Senator Nelson:

I do not have a background in economics. Yet, I am at a loss to understand why politicians are reluctant to allow what has been called the Bush Tax cuts for people earning over $250,000 per year to expire.  As I understand the percentage increase is less than 5%.

Opponents claim if the tax cuts expire, those people will not make changes to their business that will promote job growth. But 5% of $250,000 is $12,500. So a job, paying $12,500 will be lost? That is what all the commotion is about? $12,500?

I do understand human behavior. I know politicians, like all people, can be motivated by incentives. Those incentives could be money or power. Poor politicians, i.e., politicians more concerned with keeping their job, then doing what is right for this country, will cave into the demands from those people making more than $250,000.

It is clear that the current recession is a very deep one. So profound, that it will require many years to overcome. The current administration’s plan of spending money on infrastructure projects will do two things. One, it will shore up a decaying system and provide new transportation solutions and two, it will deliver jobs. Jobs that may cure this recession over the long haul.

One way to pay for this is to charge more taxes. People in all brackets should be affected. Yes, even I, living on just my social security income, expect to pay more to get our country out of this mess.

If I am willing to sacrifice, my elected officials damn well better be willing to sacrifice as well. They best not cave into the demands of those earning more than $250,000 per year. I will remember what you are doing today, and make sure my vote in 2012, either rewards, or dismisses you.


George A. Edwards

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